Exploring INC’s 5000 Fastest Growing Companies of 2018

8 minute read

Every year, thousands of companies submit their 3 most recent years of financial information to Inc. magazine/website in the hopes of making it on their Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing private companies in America. In a previous post, I provided a script I put together to extract this data from https://www.inc.com/inc5000/list/2018. In this post, I explore the data and discover some interesting things along with some outliers and mistakes.

I discovered what seems to be some innacuracies in what was published. More specifically, there are several companies with 0 employees reported. There’s another company with $2.3 million in annual revenue and 100,000 employees, which can’t be right.

There are a few interesting plots in this post as well. Enjoy!

#import modules
import pandas as pd
import sqlite3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
#connect to the database and create a dataframe out of the data in the database
conn = sqlite3.connect("inc2018.db")
df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM company;", conn)

Top 5 Fastest Growing Private Companies

index Rank CompanyName Leadership 2017Revenue Industry Founded Growth Location Employees
0 0 #1 SwanLeap Brad Hollister $99 M Logistics & Transportation 2013 75,661% Madison, WI 49
1 1 #2 PopSockets David Barnett $168.8 M Consumer Products & Services 2010 71,424% Boulder, CO 118
2 2 #3 Home Chef Patrick Vihtelic $255 M Food & Beverage 2013 60,166% Chicago, IL 865
3 3 #4 Velocity Global Ben Wright $49.2 M Business Products & Services 2013 39,817% Denver, CO 78
4 4 #5 DEPCOM Power Jim Lamon $219.6 M Energy 2013 38,963% Scottsdale, AZ 104

Preparing the data for analysis

For any attribute in which the script is not able to find the html tag it is looking for, the script outputs “couldn’t find”. Below I will look for all rows that contain “couldn’t find” in any of the fields.

cant_find = df[df.apply(lambda row: row.astype(str).str.contains("couldn't find").any(), axis=1)]
index Rank CompanyName Leadership 2017Revenue Industry Founded Growth Location Employees
71 71 couldn't find ConvertKit Nathan Barry, 27 couldn't find Software 2013 couldn't find Boise, ID 30
267 267 couldn't find Stukent Stuart Draper couldn't find Education 2013 couldn't find Idaho Falls, ID 48
414 414 couldn't find Lync America Cynthia Lee couldn't find Logistics & Transportation 2014 couldn't find Chattanooga, TN 27
997 997 couldn't find Proximity Learning Inc. Evan Erdberg couldn't find Education 2009 couldn't find Austin, TX 150
1339 1339 couldn't find 404 Page Not Found couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find
1569 1569 couldn't find pNeo Peter Wenham couldn't find Consumer Products & Services 2008 couldn't find Denton, TX 15
1693 1693 couldn't find KingPay Ron Singh couldn't find Financial Services 2013 couldn't find London , United Kingdom 50
2251 2251 couldn't find 404 Page Not Found couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find
2351 2351 couldn't find Greenback Tax Services Carrie McKeegan couldn't find Financial Services 2008 couldn't find Mong Kok, Hong Kong 50
2485 2485 couldn't find EvoText Johanna Wetmore couldn't find Software 2014 couldn't find Burlington, MA Small (25 - 49)
2582 2582 couldn't find ITinspired Robert Wise $147.3 M IT Services 2011 151% Baton Rouge, LA Micro (10 - 24)
2791 2791 couldn't find Nationwide Transport Services, LLC Jason Foltz couldn't find Logistics & Transportation 2009 couldn't find Fort Lauderdale, FL 20
2857 2857 couldn't find Beehive Plumbing Matthew Naylor couldn't find Construction 1999 couldn't find West Jordan, UT 24
4364 4364 #3854 Surface Mount Technology couldn't find $14.3 M Manufacturing 1997 68% Appleton, WI 130
4660 4660 couldn't find 404 Page Not Found couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find couldn't find
4971 4971 couldn't find Insight Global Bert Bean $1928.8 M Business Products & Services 2001 58% Atlanta, GA 2570

There are 16 company profiles for which the script was not able to extract at least one of the fields.

The reason that the script was not able to find some of the data is because of inconsistencies in the tags used to identify attribute types in the company profiles. For example, in the image below, you can see that revenue is presented in multiple ways.

Also, it appears the script may have ran into some broken links, indicated by the rows with “404 Page Not Found” in the CompanyName field.

Fortunately, the script was able to capture all the data for all but 16 companies. In order to make sure the script is able to collect all the information, I would have to account for these inconsistencies. For now, I will create a new dataframe with these removed from the data set.

df2 = df.drop(cant_find.index, axis = 0)

To view the data type of each field

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 4983 entries, 0 to 4998
Data columns (total 10 columns):
index          4983 non-null int64
Rank           4983 non-null object
CompanyName    4983 non-null object
Leadership     4983 non-null object
2017Revenue    4983 non-null object
Industry       4983 non-null object
Founded        4983 non-null object
Growth         4983 non-null object
Location       4983 non-null object
Employees      4983 non-null object
dtypes: int64(1), object(9)
memory usage: 428.2+ KB

We need to convert some of the attributes to numeric data types. These attributes are ‘2017Revenue’, ‘Growth’, ‘Founded’, and ‘Employees’.

df2["Revenue"] = pd.to_numeric(df2["2017Revenue"].apply(lambda x: 0 if x == "couldn't find" else x[1:-2]))

df2["Founded"] = pd.to_datetime(df2["Founded"].apply(lambda x: 0 if x == "couldn't find" else x)).dt.year

df2["GrowthPercent"] = pd.to_numeric(df2.Growth.apply(lambda x: 0 if x == "couldn't find" else x[:-1].replace(',', '')))

Some of the values in the ‘Employees’ attribute are provided as a range, which you can see below.

index Rank CompanyName Leadership 2017Revenue Industry Founded Growth Location Employees Revenue GrowthPercent
8 8 #8 Flexport Ryan Petersen $224.7 M Logistics & Transportation 2013 15,911% San Francisco, CA Large (250 - 499) 224.7 15911

In order to convert the ‘Employees’ attribute to numeric, I will extract the upper number provided in the range for these types of values. To extract the upper value in the Employee counts provided as a range.

def dash(s):
    if s.find("-") != -1:
        return s[s.find("- ") + 2:-1]
        return s
df2["EmployeeUpdate"] = df2.Employees.apply(dash)
df2["EmployeeUpdate"] = pd.to_numeric(df2.EmployeeUpdate.apply(lambda x: 0 if x == "couldn't find" else x))

Looking at the data types of each field after the above operations.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 4983 entries, 0 to 4998
Data columns (total 13 columns):
index             4983 non-null int64
Rank              4983 non-null object
CompanyName       4983 non-null object
Leadership        4983 non-null object
2017Revenue       4983 non-null object
Industry          4983 non-null object
Founded           4983 non-null int64
Growth            4983 non-null object
Location          4983 non-null object
Employees         4983 non-null object
Revenue           4983 non-null float64
GrowthPercent     4983 non-null int64
EmployeeUpdate    4983 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(4), object(8)
memory usage: 545.0+ KB


Number of Companies by Industry

a4_dims = (15, 6)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=a4_dims)
sns.countplot(df2.Industry, ax = ax, order= df2.Industry.value_counts().index)
plt.title("Number of Inc5000 Companies by Industry")
for p in ax.patches:
    ax.annotate(str(p.get_height()), (p.get_x() * 1.0, p.get_height() * 1.01))

Number of Companies per City (top 30)

ax = df2.Location.value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False).head(30).plot.bar(figsize=a4_dims, title="2018 Inc5000 Companies Per City for Top 30 Cities")
for p in ax.patches:
    ax.annotate(str(p.get_height()), (p.get_x() * 1.0, p.get_height() * 1.01))

Number of Companies per State

# Have to create a "State" attribute by extracting the last two characters of the "Location" attribute
df2['State'] = df2["Location"].apply(lambda x: x[-2:])
aa = df2.State.value_counts().plot.bar(figsize=(20,10), title = "Number of 2018 Inc 5000 Companies per State")
for p in aa.patches:
    aa.annotate(str(p.get_height()), (p.get_x() * 1.0, p.get_height() + 20), rotation=90)

Growth Versus Revenue Scatterplot

a4_dims = (20, 10)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=a4_dims)
sns.scatterplot(x="EmployeeUpdate", y="Revenue", data=df2, ax=ax)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x22e1a5a82e8>

There are a few companies that look like outliers. There is one in particular that stands out a lot. The point with about 100,000 employees but close to 0 revenue. Let’s take a look at this one.

df2[(df2.EmployeeUpdate > 90000) & (df2.EmployeeUpdate < 110000)]
index Rank CompanyName Leadership 2017Revenue Industry Founded Growth Location Employees Revenue GrowthPercent EmployeeUpdate State
1682 1682 #1684 Alorica Andy Lee $2.3 M Business Products & Services 1999 273% Irvine, CA 100000 2.3 273 100000 CA

Alcoria has 100,000 employees but only $2.3M in revenue. This doesn’t seem right. However, as you can see in the image below, that is exactly what is provided in their Inc.com profile.

Some companies have a value of zero employees in their profile.

df2[df2.Employees == '0']
index Rank CompanyName Leadership 2017Revenue Industry Founded Growth Location Employees Revenue GrowthPercent EmployeeUpdate State
1973 1973 #1975 MJ Freeway Amy Poinsett $8.1 M Software 2010 226% Denver, CO 0 8.1 226 0 CO
2267 2267 #2270 Playags David Lopez $212 M Business Products & Services 2005 194% Las Vegas, NV 0 212.0 194 0 NV
2899 2899 #2902 Grand Power Systems Stephen Paul $29.5 M Energy 1948 141% Grand Haven, MI 0 29.5 141 0 MI
3158 3158 #3161 BayCom George Guarini $44.3 M Financial Services 2004 125% Walnut Creek, CA 0 44.3 125 0 CA
3434 3434 #3437 Peddle Tim Yarosh $65.6 M Consumer Products & Services 2011 111% Austin, TX 0 65.6 111 0 TX
3435 3435 #3438 E-file.com Aaron Rosenthal and Robert Reynard $5.1 M Consumer Products & Services 2011 111% Ponte Vedra, FL 0 5.1 111 0 FL
4066 4066 #4069 Bridgewater Bancshares Jerry Baack $52.5 M Financial Services 2005 86% Bloomington, MN 0 52.5 86 0 MN
4776 4776 #4778 Ellison Bakery Todd Wallin $29.9 M Food & Beverage 1945 64% Ft. Wayne, IN 0 29.9 64 0 IN
4822 4822 #4824 Quality Aluminum Products Bob Clark $45 M Manufacturing 1990 63% Hastings, MI 0 45.0 63 0 MI
4951 4951 #4953 Custom Profile John Boeschenstein $48.3 M Manufacturing 1992 59% Grand Rapids, MI 0 48.3 59 0 MI
4977 4977 #4979 Mediassociates Scott Brunjes $11.5 M Advertising & Marketing 1996 58% Sandy Hook, CT 0 11.5 58 0 CT

The image below confirms that the script pulled the data as is provided in the profile.

Creating a new dataframe for companies with greater than zero employees

df3 = df2[df2.EmployeeUpdate > 0]

Comparing Statistics by Industry

A traditional heatmap must have the same unit of measurement in every cell. Below is a function that accepts a pandas grouped by object and creates a heatmap where each column in the heatmap is based on its own unique scale. This gives us the visual benefit of a heatmap while also allowing us to compare the different industries along different statistical dimensions.

def groupedHeatMap(groupedObject, cmap = "YlGnBu", title = ''):
    import shutil
    index_values = groupedObject.index.values
    a5_dims = (15, 12)
    fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,len(groupedObject.columns), figsize=a5_dims)
    for i in np.arange(len(groupedObject.columns)):
        stat = groupedObject[groupedObject.columns[i]].sort_index()
        if i == 0:
            sns.heatmap(stat.to_frame(),ax=ax[0], cbar=False, cmap=cmap, linewidths=2)
            for j in range(len(index_values)):
                text = ax[0].text(.5,j+.5, str(int(stat.iloc[j])), ha="center", va="center", color="w")
            sns.heatmap(stat.to_frame(),ax=ax[i], cbar=False, cmap=cmap, linewidths=2)
            ax[i].set_yticklabels(ax[i].get_yticklabels(), fontsize=0)
            for j in range(len(index_values)):
                text = ax[i].text(.5,j+.5, str(int(stat.iloc[j])), ha="center", va="center", color="w")
    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace = .001)
    columns = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns

Using the newly created function

rev_stats = df3[df3.Revenue > 0].groupby("Industry").agg(['mean', 'std', 'count', 'max', 'min', 'sum']).Revenue
groupedHeatMap(rev_stats, title="Revenue Statistics by Industry (In Millions)")